Food & Drink

We are blessed with the most excellent local producers of all things good in perhaps the most diverse agricultural area of the country.
From apples and pears, to hops, to Herefordshire beef, Shropshire dairy herds – therefore cheese and milk. Shropshire and neighbouring Welsh lamb, rare breed pork and free ranging chicken. Grains and local millers - so therefore flour and breads. Local producers of vegetables, fruit and salads all make my life as a cook a joy! We support them and need to do little to embellish their efforts!
Expect proper food cooked with love. Our eggs come from our hens and soon when our kitchen gardens are established and our large greenhouse erected – for more home-grown
Breakfasts are leisurely affairs around a big table. Best local bacon, sausages, slow roasted tomatoes, buttered mushrooms and eggs from our hens.
Greek yogurt and best granola and loads of fruit. Organic jumbo porridge cooked on the Aga with a sprinkling of cinnamon, honey or maple syrup and a dollop of clotted cream. Maybe a pile of waffles, blueberries and cream.

Expect freshly ground coffees, a choice of teas and sometimes homemade cordials. We have proper breads – sour doughs from our local bakers – making the most excellent toast to go with our home-made compotes. Expect to taste the fruit not the sugar – all prepared in a proper farmhouse kitchen and back kitchen ( used for baking and pastry prep ) complete with a traditional large 4 oven Aga range with Jacobean table and court cupboard – but with a 21st century induction hob and secondary ovens – a cook’s heaven!
Dinners/suppers have been a feature of our B&B. Our last place was not blessed with as many local good places to recommend, but now we are back in Ludlow, in less than 10 minutes, you can find a variety of decent venues.
Please do enquire at time of booking should you wish to eat in. Sally is also happy to cook for a group for a special occasion to – perhaps if you have friends nearby and want to host a private dinner party. We are not licensed so you can bring your own wine.